mercredi 1 octobre 2008

Just whack the (*?%$$ broad

PAULIE: How you doin' Ton'?

TONY: Doing great Paulie, hey have you heard about Burnisconi' cumare?

PAULIE: What, what have she done?

TONY: she went to the Feds.

PAULIE: Jesus F*&?% Christ, Ton' you shouldn't say that to me. You know with 'Ma and my stomach...

TONY: That's true, she was upset 'cause poor Max just couldn't keep his dick in his pants and kept her at her side just to show off in Florida.

CHRIS: Isn't that what's cumare are made for? I mean, jerking around, show off, cheating on her, you know.

TONY: Exactly, but the F&?%$ bitch, she thought she has rights. Rights? Can you believe it?


TONY: She was pissed off 'cause Max tried to give her some jewellery that was supposed to be for his legitimate wife. He left it at the appartment and she threw it away in the garbage on Tuesday , the exact day when the truck came in.

CHRIS: What a hot-tempered bitch!

PAULIE: And just like that, she went to the Feds?

TONY: Yes, and f%$/, all the f?%$$ circus, the journalists at his house, the arrest, the pictures. His poor dad Gilberto...Jesus F&%?$ Christ. I've heard the transcripts from the mikes they've put in his house. He called me a fat F*&? and said I should stop eating and drinking in F*&?% meetings, that I should switch to water...all that shit.

PAULIE: All of this because of a cumare...

SIl VIO: In some cases, we should just whack the F(*&? broad. End of the story.

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